Yes! You should use Program Start Times to set the times that your Hydrawise system is permitted to water. When adding a start time, you can choose odd or even days or select a specific day of the week to permit watering. This is also where you’ll set the time the watering cycle should start.
To learn more about Program Start Times, click here.
Program Start Times are the times that your Hydrawise system is permitted to water.
NOTE: Your system will not necessarily water every zone for every one of your program start times. Remember that the purpose of a program start time is to specify the times each zone is allowed to water.
If you have a Watering Schedule (under the My Watering Zones menu) configured to water every day but your settings in the Program Start Times don't allow your system to water on a particular day, we won’t water on that day.
If you have a Watering Schedule set up to water once a week, we will water as long as we are permitted to water on that day. If we aren’t permitted to water on a particular day, we will water on the next permitted day.