You may want to have several people in your organization to manage your customers, controllers, or your customers may have more than one person in their household or business who wants to manage their controller. This can easily be done by adding extra users for a customer.
In the contractor portal, find your customer and click on their account name to configure user details.
The following information can be found in this section:
- Add new user
- Edit user
- Delete user
- Resend Activation Emails
- Sending a Lost Password Email
- Click on the ACCOUNT icon on the upper right hand side, then USERS.
- Click the plus button and this will show the NEW USER screen to add the following information:
- User Name - The name of the new user
- Email Address - The email address that the new user will use to log into their account
- Type of User - If you want your customer to have full control over their system, select “Can modify configuration and run zones." If you don’t want your customer to be able to change their configuration, select “Can view configuration, manually run zones”
- Click OK – the user will get an activation email and will be prompted to select a password.
Step 1 |
Steps 2-3 |
If you need to edit, delete, resend activation or send lost password, please use the instructions below. Click on the MULTI-SITE MANAGER icon on the upper right hand side, then MY CUSTOMERS.
- Click on the customer you want to manager or search by the username/email.
- Click on the user you would like to edit
- Select icon, then view details
- From the menu, select icon, then EDIT, DELETE, RESEND ACTIVATION or SEND PASSWORD..